Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Grants, Grants, Everywhere...

Today I began my quest to find the perfect grant for Durango nature studies. Despite the fact that there are over 10,000 grants on the Library Grant Database, there seem to be very few that are applicable to Durango Nature Studies. If you are a Russian orphan, or you want to adopt an orca, there is a grant for you! But if you just want to help fund an environmental education program for younger students, you really have to hunt. But I am so glad that there is a database. This search would be immensely complicated without it.
            Nature Club today went really well! There were almost twice as many students as usual, so I naturally assumed that it would be pure chaos. However, all of them already knew Rachel, so they were much more willing to participate. We made some very cool turtle crafts!
            Fun fact! Did you know that the turtle’s egg tooth is called a caruncle? I didn’t! So much you can learn from a 1st grade curriculum.
            Well, tomorrow, I begin condensing my research into a lesson plan.
            Wish me luck!

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